Do You Trust … God?

The Greatest Lie in All of Our Times is:

to Think & Believe that WE, were flawed and Not Enough, The Exact Way We Are.

But, if you Truly Believed, that God is Just, in Every Way . ✞

Then, Know that: We Are Exactly the Way We can Only Be.

And that: Each can become Better in Their Own Specific Ways.

All Got their Burdens & Cross to Carry,

though they may Not see Nor believe that They Actually: Got one. †

What Could I possibly Facet, in my childish Understandings?

Saving the world? —> But what if the World was Nothing but a PlayGround?

Save others’ lives? —> But what if I KiLL Their Purposes, by Taking away Their Pain ?

What Am I ? —> Someone who wishes to Erase other’s Pains.

Yet, I canNot even Free MySelf from My Own Mire.

No —> For: Everything is Exactly the Way they are meant to BE.

At Current_Times (Input :: Viewer-perspective) .

But with God’s Way, He Made Me Showcase 👁 you ::

—Principles— that Would Take Lifetimes to Understand .

Or: Be Forgotten Entirely

by those that Harbour Grudges & become addicted to Negative Emotions as well as Regrets.

Walk by Faith, and Not by Sight.

Such is the Preemptive of Our Way of Life, the Faithful.

For :: We BELIEVE. 🌈

In Higher, Better, Power, Magnificence.

Thus, Let Us Continue .

‘On My Way .’


The Art of : Transformation.


We Pray …