Hexe’s Tricks . 🪄

'So,when Someone Acts all Victimized,

Expecting You to 'help'(Cause they can sense ur GoodNature).

Then Say: I am No Judge, nor officials,

pls go to Official Courts if you got Conflicts.

And also Keep Distance:

'I haven't witnessed the Situation u speak of,

thus I canNot judge.

And if Their Immediate Response is to Turn Angry;

Then Know they Might be setting up a plot. 🕸️

Cause Plotters Grow Angry, when their Plans FaiL.


Many Powerful Sluttish witches Know to 'Play, Temp & Lure' you.

Then say:

'If you're Asking a Service from Me - It Costs.

Even Male Strippers Don't do No show for Free.

It's Business, you Understand it 😉.'

Children in their Undeveloped State may Fall Easy Target

to Insincere & Treacherous Practices.

But, Know that: These Old Players in Game

Know the Rules & Tricks Better than you.

And they're Definitely Ready to Exploit whatever they deem as 'Lucrative'.


Beware of Witches’ Craft.


Speak Truth .


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