
Breaking some Hard News to yall.

Sry My People - Nature of Things don't suit themselves after Your Liking.

And the speed at which things develop & Update,

Must be a stressor to all, not being able to 'catch up'.

But- maybe there is no Need to catch up with Anything rly.

I am a Messenger, and the message is Always the Same:

Choose Christ.

Fear Not.

For, Death is Not that frightening.

And even if you canNot stand Christ - things will Happen the Best way as they Are Meant to.

The ReaL Matrix-Developers Operate on a different LVL.

Their Desire is to Lead souls Astray & Ensnared in illusions, not knowing what is ReaL & Right anymore.

so, no. They Don'T Chase after material Riches.

For, these 'Riches' are the Very Bait - Meant to Lead astray.

Take a Look:

"Those that Move Nations like Checkpieces on a Board."

The Roads towards Power & Money are 'Designed',

to Force you to Sacrifice Your SouL. (In the Process).

[ See Picture Below. ]

I Survive, Because of Christ's Power - the One True Only God throughout All Times.

Look Back on your Journeys & See how you've GROWN .

Sometimes We Miss the So Very Obvious - Pat yourselves on the Back. & Be Glad.

For: What is Life ? If Not Meant to Forge you?

Life is Not a FairyTale of endless Satisfaction.

(Drug is).

Life is a Chance, Granted to All to Experience it.

Observe the amazing Fireworks:

Just an Instant - and faded.

But, Does that Instant make them Value-Less?

Just because it's only a Short-time Spark-

Do all the Work & Teams building it, months of Preparations, Mean Nothing?


No. Everything Had Significant Meaning.

And We Need to See & Cherish it. †

Dreamt of Establishing a global Online Schooling system, guaranteeing Access to All children to Have a Chance @ Learning & Opening up their Eyes.

Teaching them to Learn, to See, to Decipher, to Understand, the Ability to Question & Solve things.

But, this demands Effort & Investment.

And, I canNot promise anything.

Nor can I care about so many Needs & Demands.

So, I surrender such desires to My God in Christ Jesu.

For: What I want,

the world may Not be Ready to embrace.

And My Vision is too limited,

to Understand Each SouL's Needs.

[@ their Current_Stage.]

I surrender all demands to My God in ChristHood,

who Knows what's Best for Each @ their Speed.

Many souls are young & inexperienced.

And that'S ok - Each on their own journeys.

And I can Only convey 'this much'.

But: Know for Sure, that God is the One True Constant,

who Keeps His Promises,

when all others FaiL.

And it is Us, who are too Much of the Desire-Nature. Unabe & Unwilling to see. (Überm Tellerrand🍽️schauen)

If Blaming another Makes you Feel better - do it.

But Know, that We are All made to Become & Follow Christ.

Each in their Own Version & on their Own Path.

I have Trust in my God . ♱

Wonderful “Chosen”-Video by Obsidian.


Healing Thoughts ⛲️🪽🌻


Allowance to PURSUE !