Wisdom 06.Feb.25

Assumptions are ALLOWED & Natural,

But the Essence will Prove itself through Time.

For, illusions Don’t Last Long.”

Surprises are Rare, but Possible.

Thus, one Needs to Update one’s worldview, Regularly.


Never Dismiss Your Own Journeys so far -

They Are Valid in their Own Unique Ways.

Not Everyone Goes through the Same Challenges in Life,

=> Thus , We Share .”


Artistry, whether Musical or Pictural Expressions, Film And Philosophical ideas & Reasonings -

They All Contribute to the Evolution of HUmanKind Greatly,

And Come after significant Personal Sacrifices, through their individual Trials in Life.

Such Works Bring higher theories,The Unseen Realms & Exp. to the Broader Audience.

They Serve Significantly (Both the Creator as well as their Creations),

in Guiding & Directing the Human Collective Consciousness.

Such Works of Sacrifices are to be Cherished. And Respected.


Life isn’t about:

Comparing who Got it ‘worse’.

But about Focusing on the Positive,

Despite Any challenges one may Face.

Keep Chasing after the Dream & Promises of Lord God, withOut giving up.  ✞


I Trust & Believe in my God.

And will No longer FueL Your Circus of Depression no more.

Not Everyone Goes through the Same Challenges in Life,

=> Thus , Let us Share .”


Share, Renew, Update, Expand. [ Your Horizons ..]


Dear Travellers 🧳💫🌌


Daily Affirmation: