— The Holy War . —

The Holy War Since Time-memorial

has Always Been between :

Demons 🆚 God’s People.

Demons are There to Kill, SteaL, Rob & Destroy.

And WE are the Very Bet :

-> Do we Remain LoyaL to Christ’s Way.

OR :: Do we FaLL .

“We May have Questioned

Whether such a thing as ‘Perfect_Morality’ Exists & whether it is Embodied in Christ, our Saviour.

But, Let me Assure you:

It is In God that We Exist and Experience.

Alone, we couldn’t even Hold ourselves up.

So, those that deny ✞,

Live in illusion.”

Many Ignorant ones Choose DeniaL;

Bc they canNot do anything else.

So they Live in DeniaL of God.

Yet, their manufactured perspective & Narratives Remain But That.

(A customised version of Reality).

Our Ignorance of our Own Nature,

Will Not save us from our own FaLL.

“Let us Not condemn Our God and Creator,

When bad things befall us in Life.

Not, when WE Lack Understanding of True-Goodness, ourselves .“

Referring to [ Ecclesiastes 7 ] .

“Flügel der Freiheit !”


Findings. 11th Feb. 2025 Tue.


Dear Travellers 🧳💫🌌