EviL is Sluttish.

EviL is Sluttish in Nature.

Like Glue. It will Not hold back,

Out of Politeness nor Courtesy.

Nor will it ‘keep its words’, if it has promised anything.

If it promises to ‘Let you Go’ After a certain Set of Conditions are Met,

(E.g. demands you to Help them out or work for them for a period of time),

Then Know that they won’t Let go, but come up with New Conditions Each time.

But, we Have the Right to Demolish such ‘contracts based on Falsehoods’.

Such are the Characteristics of the_Lacking.

They got No righteousness in their Hearts,

That would Stop them from committing sluttish Deeds.0

The_Lacking will Play Victim,

They will Expect Another to ‘do the work for them’ and/or ‘take Over Their burdens’.

And they Deny Their Crimes.

(Just As they Deny the Existence of Righteoushood.)

Such is How they Build their Mind-Conceptions, Worldview, Cult, Tribes . . .

They Drag you to ‘Agree to them’,

Which is a Form of ‘Contract_Signing’.

Without Telling you the Transaction that Actually Took Place.

So, they Get you to Consent to something, withOUT you Noticing.

(Very Hideous).

But - do Not give in to the Sluttish.

Else you become a ‘slut’ YourSelf !

We Know how short-Lived Worldly Labels are, - no matter how the Profanity calls us, we Don’t Listen to the brainDead.

So, Let us Know: that EviL is Sluttish in its nature, will NOT keep its word, And Will Make use of Underhanded Methods (Like Sluts Do).

“Committed. ☠️”


GerichtsSprechung 13.Feb.2025.


Findings. 11th Feb. 2025 Tue.