Civilisations Upon this Earth

To Understand the Psychology of the Current Incarnated species;

U Need to Understand that this is a Very Smart species.

Bad things Happen, Not because these beings are Not evolved enough for Peace.

Bad Things Happen, because Many a Fraudsters Plot Another’s Downfall;

With Such Fervour & Lust,

Backed up by Large Civilisations,

That Have made Wrong-Doing a Common-Practice of their Daily Life.

  • Framing Innocents;

  • Mutilating NewBorn + Indoctrination early on;

  • Torture + Threats deliberately Set-up Behavioural Responses;

  • Reinforcing Mind-CTRL Techniques Across Wide Populace;

  • Collaboration with Extraterrestrial Technologies Against the Human-Kinds;

  • Exploiting the Uninformed’s Hopes & Dreams.

Such, are All Practices wide-spread implemented on this Globe.

Satanism Is ReaL. Mind watching this Movie?


Revelation of Satanic Civilisations.


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