Revelation of Satanic Civilisations.
So, the entire western Civilisations are Satanists.
They Conduct Trashing another,
And don’t talk about it.
This is a Demon in human-costume-world.
The occultism they Practice is Rooted in:
Committing murder/ harming another (unsuspecting one);
And then smear the karma onto the victim withOUT the Victim’s Knowledge.
And they just Keep Doing it.
Trashing another, while They themselves
Stay ‘clean’ in their structures of Webs.
And they Gain Power over their Victim,
By Trashing their Victim, And Rob the victims’ Consent, while these victims are abused on spiritual Level and mutilated,
In a State of Deprivation,
To Destroy their Target withOUT saying a word.
These Closed-off Societies Maintain Power amongst Themselves,
While Dictating the Rest: Christians, Innocent, the Naive etc.
Who knew that ‘these Dark societies practice ritual Bad-Conduct. So That’s the Their religion (satanism), the Core of their Beliefs & idols They worship.
All under the Guise of ‘normalcy’.
And This corporate Official Matrix-World
Denies Any Spirituality,
Just so their Kinds of Demons & spirit-cooking societies May Do their Crimes Unhinged.
Since you got No Evidence.
And Police-department is Under the satanists’ Service.
Yep, we’re Talking about Entire Civilisations practising Satanism on Regular Basis.
And they Know they Do, and they Keep Pretending & Keep their Silence.
The 3D-Narrative is the Lie they Make use of, to GasLight their Victims.
Labelling All the Truth-seekers as ‘Crazy’.
Strategic, Collective Bullying.
The War is ReaL. (Heaven vs. Hell)
And The Demonic-minions Know it.
Scene from ‘Rosemary’s Baby’.