Embrace God’s Way. ✞
‘Pain canNot stop EviL. Nor the lusty nor the Greedy. From proceeding.’
Eventually, the Corruption will Take over Everything. Without God and Christ in us,
We canNot stand it.
When God performed His Miracles in Ages before;
Parting the Red Sea, bringing out Water from a Rock, Christ’s Salvation.
These Wonders weren’t of ‘Spectacular nature’ in the From of Cinemas 🎦.
But, were the Exact Needed Component,
Needed for That Situation, for The People in Their SouL-Evolution-Growth.
Trust God. Seek God in Christ Jesu.
And Forsake Your Pride.
Your Pride is a Poison and will Not save you from the Corruption lurking at Every Corner.
God Can and WiLL Transform us Inside out, if we Follow.
Thus, Let us Follow. Christ in Almighty. ✞