‘It’s All Fake.
From the Way they Label you,
The way they Try to Convince you,
The Way they Teach You to ‘reason’.
You’re Not ‘more beautiful’ after Applying MakeUp 💄;
Just as you’re Not ‘embarrassing’ simply because you made an awkward mistake.
This Entire Game with the Psyche is:
Staging a Situation,
In Order to Make-Believe .
To Convince their Target of a ‘supposed victimhood’.
We all heard Stories of how :
raped Women getting condemned by ‘society’. And this In turn stigmatises them into deeper pain in their SouL and Psyche.
Yes, it is the Stigmatisation that Hurts people The_Most.
And when a Majority all Claims the Same / share the Same Opinion,
then the victim may Very well Fall into their Belief-system. And label oneSelf as :
‘Something Inacceptable’.
And this is Intense Trapping 🕸️. One needs to Get out from.
Amen. May you Find Kindred Friends helping you Out of That situation.
Peace 🍀
‘Never condemn YourSELF . Amen’