Erasure isn’t The_solution.

We get taught in school, through our Cultures & Ancestry,

That the Enemy has to be Eliminated.

yet, the Core of this desire is rooted in Materialism & Possessiveness.

Yes, no matter how they appear:

Even grandmas & small grandpas carry Feelings of Claimation-Rights over certain things.

And we, as their offsprings, carry Their deep-seated programmings inside of Us.

Which is Outdated, to say the Least.

For, eviL as such, can be regarded as a FueL for Evolution.

And we Ought to be On Guard of such profiles - entities that Live out such EviL practices & ideologies (e.g. psychopathic murderers etc.)

But, eviL as such canNot be erased by killing off a few entities.

No. We Have to Spread Info about what we Know, and Teach each other to Beware of the Nature of Many things, circumstances, psychological profiles etc.

=> Remember: “no one is Innocent.”

And Guard ourselves from tapping into enemies’ traps 🪤.

But, we ourselves, Must Not Make use of eviL-methods.

As we are to be the Embodiments & Examples of the Good & Genuine, Faithful & Godly.

(I do allow myself Exceptions in ‘emergencies’, though 😉)

‘When Idealism meets Practicality.’


My Testimonies & Realizations 23Feb.25


God is GOOD . ✞