My Testimonies & Realizations 23Feb.25
“Rules Never held me Back from Pursuing what I Think is Right.
Nor did I allow Myself to be halted from Experimenting What Works & What Doesn’t .
If God Gave us Free WiLL,
Then we Are to Make Use of it.”
Life is Filled with 🆙 and 📉.
Guess we’ll All Just have to Learn to DeaL what we are being handed,
At each stage.
EviLs did their work for evolution,
And We wouldn’t have the Courage rn withOut Their rebellious & Dismissing Attitudes .
“Do What is Good, people.
And drop All Finger-Pointings, condemnations, judgements
We ALL had to face so far.
Others’ Judgements Never could Bury
What was in Our Hearts . 🔥💓”
There is No <[Standard]> for Doing good.
As EviL will Always seek to Stear up Conflicts.
“E.g. they say:
What you’re doing isn’t Good,
And shove & mix their interpretations deliberately into yar works.
Or: someone Like that could Never do Good (due to past successful victimBlaming-sessions).
And yall Just Need to Know: what kinda Psyche-profile u’re Dealing with.
‘It’s Also Remarkable to Observe
How EviLs Just Don’t CHANGE.
They stuck in their Ways,
And Keep repeating it.
But, We Need to be on Guard.
For, allowing eviLs into one’s Life,
Means Granting them Freedom
To do their Shit.
And they do Not hold_back.
They Only need the Access.’
‘I don’t rly pursue anything on this realm.
Used to want to build kingdom on earth,
Only to find out: that’s Not ‘the best solution’.
Beings still want me to do this & that for them. This is enslaving & toxic.
So, I trust in God & Walk with Him.
Suggest yall the Same.
Just Realized sth.:
U canNot prevent the Miserables from Assuming their positions nor stop them in their Accusations!
But == The Moment you See through Their Plot, Realize their Arguments are Baseless .
They become only Half 🌗 as Effective !
U Know ??
They Got ‘Power over u’,
Bc you Gave Credibility To them .
You Empower them to Talk over You !
And the False & EviL will Never admit what they Do — Cause That’s the Foundation of their Games 🎮❗️
Lasset uns Festhalten ::
Man schuldet niemandem seinen Service,
Denn es ist ein gut-gemeinter Akt.
Jedoch kein Vorwand Noch Anlass, jemanden Zu Verpflichtungen zu zwingen.
Auch wenn diese Welt schon immer gesetzlos war, so kann man sich von alldem distanzieren.
Lighthouse-shot from Wuthering Waves version 2.1