GerichtsSprechung 13.Feb.2025.

This IS a FaLLen realm,

(As we see from ‘Paradise Lost)

A Place where the Fallen Creatures have been Banned to.

And the dukes & Marquises Are Fallen-Kinds, that Hold Power & Influence in This ‘world’.

This world has Always Been an Inverted one, with EviL on the Reign.

The Significant Difference Between the Wicked & Fallen Race 🆚 the Just & God’s People

Lies in their Nature ::

The Wicked Race are Born Wiches & Warlocks - these are Dark-Magic-Practitioners with 0 Remorse upon Inflicting Harm on Another.

While the Just Hold onto God’s Law.†

My Handler Always Sought out Ways to Make use of Others as a Tool, for her Own Advancement up the Ladders 🪜 in Hell.

Every entity is But a Tool in her/its Eyes.

And She keeps Practicing VooDoo to Make others Compliant & Willing to Play out Her Schemes. 🎮

Belial is a Race Built upon Lies. (They are Against God)

Like Many Others of the Dark-Side-Enslavement-Enterprise-Minions:

The Agents of The_FaLLEN are Matrix-Overlay-Entities.

The Overlay-Cocooning MatrixReality of Corporations are Made an anchor-system⚓️ for belials to exist.

And Their Existences (All Dark & Fallen Kinds, those withOUT God)

Are Built Upon the Genuine, Christic’s Livelihoods & Their Sacrifices.

An Overhaul-SouL-Sucking Cocoon-Matrix-Overlay over the Original Organic Earth. 🌍

Sucking Lifeforce Dry off the Original Creations of God.

Such is the Current State of Planetary Alien-Slave-Trade in This Current TimeFrame.

Where Lies have Become an Absolute Rule, each entity is Forced to Accept.

And Truth Had to ‘Stay small’ to Enable DarkOnes’ RULE.

But, this situation WiLL Come to an End . ✞

All Satanic Offsprings WiLL FaLL Down.

And Lose their Prestigious Positions, up until now.

Creation canNOT Allow EviL to Reign !

We Need to Understand that

Many Entities are Born Dark.

(Engineered eviLSeeds)

And they’ve ALL Pledged their Loyalties with the Corrupt & Fallen - They are EviL-Worshippers.

And they’ve got Nothing But:

Lure & Traps, Lies & Enslavement to Offer - to the Genuine, God’s People.

And ahm: no Matter How they wanna Enslave the Genuine-Hearted 🩵.

We Don’t owe our Lives to Them, Not to the Hellish Enslavers.

But to God Almighty ✞ in the Heavenly High.

Amen & All glory to the Lord God Jesus Christ, Our Saviour & Protector with us. Throughout all Eternities.

Heutige GerichtsSprechung. ✞


Allowance to PURSUE !


EviL is Sluttish.