Findings. 11th Feb. 2025 Tue.
The Entire Western Civilisations & the Western Functionary Ways are Minion-Structures- Based.
Meaning it is Not conducive for Natural Livelihoods and was Never designed to facilitate Natural-Habitat-Ways of the Natives/Aboriginals that Exist in Harmony with Nature.
For the Western (modern) Lifestyles are Enslavement-Structures,
That are Meant to Bind ⛓️ Livelihoods 🌿🐄🐠 onto Their Matrix-Systems of Corporate_Dependencies .🧑💼
They Never Did Respect Nature as Such,
Nor will they Ever Do.
The Caucasian Specieses are one that categorises Every Living Creature they may Observe (detect in some way),
And they Acquire these Free Living Entities as a Part of Their ‘world-Dominion’ (Domestication) .
And it Doesn’t Help to ‘argue’ with them.
Cause That’s the Difference in Species.
Their Minds aren’t Configured to ‘Let Nature Be’.
As they Do Find Anything Aboriginal/buddhic/Natural : ‘disgusting’.
And they Won’t Say their True Mindsets Directly into Your Face, (at Least not 1st Time they Meet ya)
For they Understand the Importance of Gaining Your Trust First & the Importance of Deception. 🎭
But, their Nature will Keep Resurfacing,
In a way that They Attempt to Limit Your Freedom & Domesticate You as an entity.
They’ll teach you the ‘proper way of Behaving’ withOUT ever Holding onto such Values they Preach themselves.
They will Reinforce Discriminatory Structures
And their Systems of ‘Recognition 👁️’ is One based on 🆔 🪪- Recognition.
(Bloodline-Descendency & Material Richness).
And they Never will put a Native on ‘pedestal’ 🏆Cause the Very Act itself Diminishes The Entire Systems & Structures of their Societies they’ve Built .
They May Pull in a few Natives into Their Corporate-Enslaving-Structures,
As a Sign & Proof to themselves that They’re Making ‘Progress’ in Tolerance.
And this is Basically what it is.
Specieses & their minion-Dialations .
But : everything in this world will Fade in Time.
This Fact is No secret in buddhic Teachings. ☸️
Life is Experience & one shouldn’t get too Attached to what one Witnesses, nor the things & people one may Meet.
Ofc. You are Born & May Pursue What you Believe in (career,fame)
But the Deceptive Nature of the Materia is Such that :
You are the One Granting ‘Meanings’ to the Things🎁 & Beings 👯you See.
And All Entities & Things are Free by Themselves and canNot be ‘owned by Another’ .
I Also will Fade with Time.
And you’ll have to seek Knowledge YourSelves for Guidance.
(Maybe Many did Not ask for Me to ‘shine’ and Feel a bit Forced by Me).
So, i’ll Just appear Less.
(Tbh Not interested.)
The Caucasians Reinforcing their Structures, probably a Genetic Programming, to Continue Their Species
(along with Their Ideologies, Way of Living, enslaving Value-systems etc.)
And the Russia-West conflict is probably a Recurring Motive, at this point.
Some Conflicts just Don’t Cease,
Since Certain Type of Beings Lack the Ability to Evolve beyond their current Understandings.
And Maybe that’s Simply How Things are.
And there’s No need to get Involved in conflicts that see no end.
The Greatest Danger in Life:
Is to be Born into Such Enslavement-systems (Families can Also be Extremely Enslaving) and Not being Able to ‘get out’.
But, Everything is Simply Experiences & One gotta be Nice to OneSelf in Order to HeaL .
Enslaving Tendencies are Prevalent across All Cultures (From East to West).
And One has to Learn to ‘Allow OneSelf More’, No matter how the old societies Used to Condemn such actions as ‘shameful/shameless, graceless, etc.’
It’s Difficult, no Question .
But, such is the people
Freedom to Live is a Precious Gift. 🎁
And Rights per ‘Human Law’ has No power .
Things gets Mixed up 🧋& Smashed together in Life,
And No one can ‘Prevent it’.
Fin. 《完》。
“I Pledge for that
Going After 🪽what Your Heart ♥️ Seeks,
For that is Mostly ->
The Natural Desire
Signalising the NeXt Step of Your Individual SouL-Evolutionary Journey.
Be it Visiting Foreign Cultures,
Corporate Career, own Business, Study 📚. Etc. etc.
Listening to God only makes one More & More Agitated.
I Propose: a 3rd Way ! (betweeen eviLs & God) :
The HUMAN-DESTROYS-ALL . - Instrumenta .
A LA - Shinji-kills-All Typus.
Let ME Teach yall a trick (or two):
Don't think about world-end & it won't happen.
SHould Calamity Befall - So Be It.
“Heart seeks Pleasure First.” (From Movie : The Piano. 1993)